Hayner Hoyt Ranked as a Best Company 13 Years in a Row
The Hayner Hoyt Corporation, a private commercial construction company and trusted general contractor based in Syracuse, was ranked as the seventh best company to work for in New York State among medium size workplaces by the New York State Society for Human Resource Management. More notably, Hayner Hoyt was one of just a handful of companies ranked every year since the program started 13 years ago.
Rankings are based on confidential employee surveys evaluating their workplace experience and an assessment of company benefits, policies, and practices.
President Jeremy Thurston said, “It’s a sign that we’re doing something right. We take the feedback report and use it to evolve our programs to better meet employees’ needs. It’s a tool that makes a difference in our company culture and if you were to ask any number of our employees they really would tell you this is a great place to work and we take a lot of pride in that. We're proud to share the stage with some of our neighbors in Central New York, including Nascentia Health, CenterState CEO, Terakeet, Sturges Manufacturing, AmeriCU Credit Union and McClurg Remodeling.”
The Hayner Hoyt Corporation continues to grow. With nearly 100% of annual revenues coming from repeat customers or new clients through referral, Hayner Hoyt is changing the landscape in the healthcare, higher education, retail, hospitality, entertainment, and manufacturing industries.
For a complete list of the 2020 rankings, click here.